Monday, June 11, 2012

The Veggie Garden Keeps Growing!

Since planting our garden last month, these veggies have been growing like crazy! We've been having great success with just about everything this year and I think it is due to the fact that our weather has been so hot and sunny over the past month. This photo above shows some of the herbs growing on a shelf near the house. Those mustard greens and lettuce leaves in the foreground are probably going to be cut as baby greens for tonight's dinner.

And here you can see the basil a bit better in the background (four different kinds!), as well as Zaatar growing up towards the camera and lemongrass just chilling beside it.

Underneath the shelf, the mint plants are happily growing in partial-shade. The dill and cilantro are still growing, although they are starting to go to seed and might be done pretty soon. We have another cilantro plant growing by a window inside the house and we will probably plant some more seeds so we can keep our supply of cilantro going all summer (gotta have enough for when the tomatoes are ready to make some salsa!). We don't use the dill very much since Paul doesn't care for dill, but we did use about half of the plant when we made another batch of refrigerator pickles a few weeks ago.

The other six planters of herbs are growing very nicely (oregano, rosemary, garlic chives, Vietnamese cilantro, and lavender) and as you can see, I noticed just this morning that the lavender is starting to grow flowers!

These are bush beans in pots and they're growing up nicely. There are four other bean plants in the garden plot, too:

This plot of mostly shaded dirt in the backyard was mostly an experiment to see what would grow there over the summer. It seems that the green onions are still doing fine, and the beans are growing great! I also am not sure what is growing where anymore - I drew a nice diagram as to where the seeds were planted, but I think some of the seeds may have shifted around after watering them. I'm not sure what things might be weeds and what might be plants, so I'm going to wait a little while longer and see how they grow. I'm fairly certain that we have a row of radishes and a row of endive. I also think that we have a few kale plants and hopefully some rainbow swiss chard. The Bloody Dock and Sushni are still growing in the back corner of the plot.

And now onto the tomatoes and peppers...the main reason for growing the garden!

Look at how big everything has grown over the past month! Let's compare to what it looked like less than a month ago:

We had to space everything out a bit more because the tomato plants are growing wildly all over the place. All of the pepper plants are starting to form some small flowers:

And some of the tomato plants are even starting to grow....tiny little tomatoes!!!

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